Elie Wiesel Foundation attacks alleged NY Uyghur language changes

Stop Uyghur Genocide sticker on lamp post, Queens, New York. Photo: Lindsey Nicholson/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Sep 19, 2024, AXIOS

Russell Contreras

A foundation that promotes the legacy of the late-Holocaust writer Elie Wiesel says it's "scary" that a former aide of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul allegedly removed language from statements mentioning the Chinese government's repression of ethnic Uyghurs.

The big picture: Elisha Wiesel, son of Elie Wiesel, tells Axios that any removal of language talking about the genocide of Uyghurs is inhumane and echoes other efforts in history to erase genocide.

Catch up quick: A former deputy chief of staff in the New York governor's office was arrested earlier this month and charged with acting as an agent of the Chinese Communist Party.

  • Prosecutors allege the aide, Linda Sun, altered public statements to match Beijing's preferred language, helped Chinese officials obtain travel visas, and thwarted outreach from Taiwan — all while enriching herself "to the tune of millions of dollars," Axios' Dave Lawler reports.
  • Federal prosecutors said she altered the language in statements referring to the persecution of China's Uyghur minority.
  • She pleaded not guilty and is free on $1.5 million bond.

Jarrod L. Schaeffer, Sun's lawyer, tells Axios that her legal team is troubled by the government's investigation and they look forward to contesting its claims in court.

  • "And we are troubled by some statements made in the press, which appear irresponsibly to rush to judgment based on inflammatory allegations and a press release."

A spokesperson for Hochul tells Axios the office terminated Sun's employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, and immediately reported her actions to law enforcement.

Background: The Chinese government has put more than 1 million ethnic Uyghurs into mass internment camps in the country's northwest region, according to estimates by human rights groups.

  • The roundup is part of a sweeping campaign of repression that several governments have designated a genocide.
  • A 2020 BBC investigation showed how China used detention camps as tools of cultural genocide to guide Uyghurs away from Islam and their cultural identity toward Chinese Communist loyalty. Uyghurs are predominantly Muslim but some identify as Christian and other religions, or claim no religious affiliation.

Zoom in: Almost as soon as Sun's arrest was announced, the Elie Wiesel Foundation issued a strong condemnation of any possible language change describing the genocide against Uyghurs.

  • Elisha Wiesel tells Axios it is alarming that a governor's office was infiltrated by someone connected to the Chinese government who had the power to shape language.
  • "If you go through history, there are so many cases [of genocide] where influence has been exerted to try to erase the traces of a crime."

What we're watching: The Elie Wiesel Foundation says it's encouraging Americans to contact their representatives about the repression of Uyghurs.

  • The group also wants consumers to recognize companies who stop doing business in China over allegations of using forced labor from Uyghurs.

Go deeper: Son of Holocaust writer Elie Wiesel brings focus on Uyghur persecution

Editor's note: Story updated with Sun's lawyer's comments.